
Young Life Capernaum

Young Life Capernaum

Monday, November 13, 2017

Boomsauce Advocacy by Christifer Tomoson

Advocacy is consistently on our minds regarding the population we serve. Parents, teachers, and Young Life Capernaum Leaders spend much of their time advocating on behalf of our friends. Beyond being loved by a God who never disappoints, as Capernaum leaders we want our friends to have a voice (whether vocal or not). I’ve spoken with many parents whose desire it is for their son or daughter to be able to advocate for themselves. Whereas this is a noble pursuit, I want something beyond advocacy for my friends…

I met my friend Tyler about two years ago now, and our first phone conversation was difficult. I remember answering the phone and hearing someone talking, but I couldn’t understand anything that was being said. I asked Tyler if he could text or email me so we could set up a time to meet because I thought that I might be able to understand him better in person. We met at a local coffee shop and he began to tell me his story.

“Hi, I’m Tyler. I have Cerebral Palsy. Some people refer to me as having a disability, but I see it as a gift from God. I have unique characteristics that make me Tyler. By the way, I like to be called ‘Boomsauce,’ it’s the highest degree of awesome. God has made me awesome. I’d like to volunteer with Capernaum.” I was speechless. In the 7 years, I’d been a Capernaum leader, I’d never heard someone speak so passionately and elegantly about the ability God has equipped them with. Tyler not only knew how to advocate for himself, he knew where his identity truly was and wanted to enthusiastically share it with others.

Fast forward to October 27th, 2017. Tyler and 35 of his friends came together to celebrate his 29th birthday. While we were at breakfast, Tyler passed out the following:

Tyler is an incredible young man of God. He has grown into being a discipler for Jesus and longs to serve others first. This took many years of advocacy from his teachers, parents, and friends. I hope we would all desire to have the enthusiasm for life that Tyler has and advocate beyond who we are in our present lives to what God calls us to. We are forever Boomsauce in HIS eyes, as are each of our friends.